First blog...
It's cold outside and we are expecting more snow to add to the near 7 inches we already have. That much snow here is crazy! Ava and August liked it though. Joey...not so much.
Found out 3 weeks ago that I have diabetes. Not shocked because it runs in my family. (Thanks dad!) What I am more troubled by is the education that you get in food from having this handicap. You would not believe the amount of sodium in things. You would not believe how they manipulate sugar, fat, and cholesterol just to say that they are "reduced" or "fat free." Not to mention the "sugar free" things you see. They may not have sugar but they probably have sugar alcohol! In this new adventure I have lost a total of 14 pounds. When I went to the doc's office I weighed in at 245. I am now down to 231. I would like to drop another 20. That still puts me in the overweight category in the BMI chart. Who came up with BMI any way? Let's just shoot him/her! Anjel laughs at me when I tell her that there is no way that I can ever be at the weight the BMI scale says I should be because I am bigged boned! Well I am!
I wanted to create this blog to keep a running journal of my life with diabetes, recipes that I have found, life, and love. Hope I can keep it up along with my perserverence with losing weight and staying true to my diet.
Yeah!! Welcome to blogging! And congrats on the weight loss. That is awesome!