Thursday, August 12, 2010

Belly Time!

Today was a good day for a picture of the belly! As you can see the belly just keeps getting bigger and bigger as our little Violet grows. Speaking of little Violet, she is a very active little girl. It seems as though every few minutes Anjel is like, "Ouch! That hurt!" Little Violet has kicked her spleen or gizzard a time or two.

Thought I would share a couple of pictures of the belly. Enjoy!

Anjel's dad Jerry got us this! Thanks Grand-dad!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Crib & Nursery

This is our bedding! It's called Sweet Stitches by Kenneth Brown.

We wanted to share our
nursery with everyone! This is our crib and dresser for Violet. Anjel has always had her heart set on this crib. When she showed it to me for the first time I fell in love as well. It's just beautiful. I can't wait to see it in person. It should be here in September. Thanks Linda and Tommy for little Violet's crib and dresser!! Violet's grandma and step grandpa! We have a lot to do before our little Violet gets here! We are also planning on doing a tree kinda like the one behind the crib.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Baby baby baby baby baby!

22 weeks this week! We are past the half way mark and have 18 weeks left, or 4 months and 1 day, but who's counting? We are!

Anjel and I met for dinner tonight in LR and headed over to "the event" in the baby/mom's to be world! Rhea Lana's Consignment Event. I have never seen that many pregn
ant women in one spot! We are talking well into the hundreds! Belly's of all sizes! Some of these women had "the look" if you know what I mean. They were determined to get what they came for. This event was held in the old Linens-N-Things in LR next to Best Buy. There were NO parking spots! The line to get into the store was around the side of the store and out to the street....I kid you not! Rhea Lana herself came out to great us and told all 600 women the rules and said there was a cop here if need be, so no fighting over a stroller like the women did earlier this morning. She was serious. This event was well organized and well laid out. Even with all those people there, I never felt like I was cramped or being bumped into at any time.

We had a great time and found some really clean and cool things. I snapped a couple of pictures of what we got and have posted them with the blog! The dragon is really neat and holds the plastic balls that go into a ball pit. One of our favorite things is the little flower costume! Our little Violet is going to be so spoiled....

This weekend we plan on working hard in the nursery. We got a color for the walls picked out. We are so excited we can't stand it! The owl below is one of the things we grabbed at Target to decorate the room. The pink under the owl is the baby bumper that goes with the bedding that we got at Baby's R Us. We have registered at both Target and Baby's R Us!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Plans

It's been a while since my last post. Busy? Yeppers! With my new job, baby on the way/planning, and life in general. Man how time goes by so quickly, especially when your having fun and loving every little minute of it.

I can't express how much stress has been removed from my life since leaving the State job! Thank you God! I still think about my fri
ends a lot and wonder how they are doing. You make tight bonds with people when working in such conditions and I often find myself wondering how they are managing. I try to stay in touch as much as possible, but it's never easy. I still say prayers for them daily! Miss my peeps! My blood sugar has been doing great! I got a really great report from my doctor, so that is AWESOME!

On another note! HOLY SMOKES! We are h
aving a baby! Yes, I have to say it out-loud! WE ARE HAVING A BABY! Anjel's belly is getting big.
I find this adorable!

My tiny little love has a permanent
basketball on her belly! I was able to really feel the baby move this past weekend and what a joy that was. Isn't it incredible? Pregnancy and birth are just amazingly incredible and sometimes hard to believe. We are 18 weeks pregnant this week and Saturday we will be 19 weeks. We are so happy we're just stupid about it!

We go for the gender ultra-sound Monday. Yup, we find out what exactly we are having. Boy? Girl? We don't have a preference. I say that but, we both have this strong feeling it's a girl...and with that being said we have already purchased some things that are specifically for a girl. Yes, we can take them back and exchange them for boy stuff! We have also started cleaning out the room that will be the nursery. We are very excited to find out what we are having so we can really start to prepare...and also so we can communicate better to the baby. We have done a lot of reading and research regarding stimulation with the baby in the womb. The research is all positive and we look forward to reading, talking to, and playing music for our little one!

I titled this blog post "The Plans" because recently God has, for lack of better words, ordained what Anjel and I feel His calling in our lives is. In my calling it's not always easy to know where God is pulling you or putting you, or for what reason. With all the prayers for discernment, prayers for guidance, and just listening for Him we are seeing those answers. Joy is the best way to describe this feeling. Pure joy! We look forward to His guidance!

Jeremiah 29:11 "
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Amen.

Monday, April 26, 2010

A New Life...

If there are 2 things that I am 100% sure of they are this...
#1. That I am called to be in the ministry.
#2. That I was meant to be a father!

So, with that being are the first pictures of our baby! Say hello to our little friend!

7 weeks 2 days. Due date: Decemeber 11th 2010!

Friday, February 26, 2010

James Taylor, kids, cravings, and church signs...

Is it weird that I like James Taylor? Does that mean that I am getting old or maybe it means that I have great taste in music? There is a Christian artist that reminds me a lot of James Taylor, Chris Rice. Chris writes some beautiful stuff and it has the same calming effect that you get from Taylor...except Chris has that whole spiritual Christian thing down. Not saying that Taylor can't be spiritual or Christian for that matter. Not sure if he is Christian. I mean Shower the People You Love could totally be a Christian song. Right? And there is a version of Go Tell It On the Mountain by Taylor on Youtube. I think I am getting old...

Okay. Everyone that knows me has to know how much I love kids. The only person I know that wants kids as much as I do is Anjel. We are so ready to have some babies! We are waiting patiently on God. But, I have to say that if I wait much longer they are going to add a chapter to the Bible. I can read it now. 90o year old man has his first child. HEY KID! GRAB ME THAT BOTTLE OF METAMUCIL AND HAND ME MY TEETH! No, seriously. The more true investigations that I get the more it makes me wonder why some people can even be allowed to have children. You have to know that a lot of the investigations that we get aren't true. Which is a blessing. We have experienced a higher call in rate here lately though...and a lot of them have been true. I have been told that the closer you get to summer the more calls the hotline receives. Apparently the schools call in a lot of reports because the teachers start worrying about the children not getting their needs met. Makes sense if you think about it. Throughout the school year the children have stability at school and 2 meals they can count on. One thing that I am truly grateful for is how my mother raised me. I got a big'ole education on how to raise me some kids. I have more patience with children than I do with adults sometimes. <- Completely true. My pastor's status tonight read: "wishes our children, who will inherit all this mess we are creating could just take over today...they'd do a better job than congress and at least behave like adults." It's sad to know the truth that rings in that.

Cravings have gotten worse. I almost broke down tonight and went to Wal-Mart to get some sugar free ice cream. I know your thinking this would be okay. Well it wouldn't be that bad. A large majority of things that say sugar free in fact aren't. Sugar Alcohols can impact blood sugar levels just like sugar. Sugar has 4 calories per gram. Where sugar alcohols on average can have 2 to 4 grams of calories per gram. So, as you can see just because it may say "sugar free" it's basically the same. I will have to be careful with these items. I haven't had a soft drink in over a month and haven't craved those at all. My cravings are for mash potatoes, chocolate, and ice cream.

I noticed a church sign the other day on my way to work that has made me smile over and over for many days now. The posting on the sign reads: God will provide for your needs today and then turn around and do it again tomorrow. It's almost an addiction for me to read church signs. I especially love the signs from I am sure you have seen them, "We need to talk. -God," or "I love you, I love you, I love you. -God." You can go to the website and read them all. Pretty neat stuff!

Anjel and I have been asked to teach the junior high class this Sunday evening at church. It wouldn't be so bad if we didn't have to teach about the end times! Pray for us!

Saturday, February 20, 2010


Frustration: It seems like the last couple of days I have had more frustration with food. I have yet to crave any certain things but it just gets frustrating with what you can't have. It makes me think about all we take for granted. I understand that I need a certain amount of carbs daily, I understand that I need a certain amount of sugar daily, I understand that I need a certain amount of calories daily.....I completely understand! What angers me is the fact that you get these pamphlets that have labels on them that say "Changing Life with Diabetes: Carb Counting and Meal Planning; Tools to help you manage your blood sugar." and you open it up an there you have all these wonderful foods. Things like oatmeal, pancakes, cereal, candy bars, fast food items. It gives you what you should be eating from these things daily. But here's the kicker. The diet that I am adhering to per say. I hate the word diet. Because I am not on a diet it's just what I can and can't eat. Because I have made the choice to control my diabetes. I have chosen to not eat certain things and to curve the amounts of other things. I do not want diabetes to have the best of me. I want the upper hand!

So, back to the rant I was in the middle of. This pamphlet. Right, well I am going through it and finding all these foods that I am COMPLETELY avoiding. There they are. There is even a fast food section, a candy and sweets section, and an alcohol section. After further investigation with this pamphlet I discovered that it wasn't put out by the American Diabetes Association, nor was it put out by any other well known medical research group or set of doctors. It happens to be put together by Novo Nordisk a drug manufacture. Can you see where I am going here?

What I have learned is that I can control my blood sugar numbers by exercising and controlling the foods I eat (diet). I have completely changed the way I eat. By not having things like a burger and fries, a Klondike bar or 3, and foods packed with preservatives....I am in control. ME! Not the money hungry drug companies! If you were to continue on the diet the pamphlet suggest you are destined to remain on medication and even injections of man made insulin! No wonder why people have to have things amputated! It's because we allow people to mislead us!

Packed into all of this I found out last night that I can save money by having my doctor prescribe me a different pill. Well it's not different it's just 2 put together. One of my medications, Januvia, is very costly. With my insurance it cost me $60. I found out last night that without insurance it cost $300 for 30 pills! Really? The other medication I am on is Metformin. It's a rather cheap drug and it cost me with insurance $10. The manufactures of Januvia have put the 2 together and it's called Janumet. I can save $10 with the Janumet. My goal is to lose the weight and get off the medications completely! It's a lifestyle change. Stop eating the fast food sugar and sodium packed crap and eat what God made. Do you have to be creative? YES! Why is it that our society has made it acceptable for us to ingest such crap? Believe me I was one of those people. I loved snack cakes, candy bars, ICE CREAM, Double Quarter Pounders with Cheese! I went through 4 bottles of large ketchup in 2 months.

When you add all that crap with my family history it basically SUCKS! So, go ahead eat the fast foods, eat the candy bars, dish out all the mac and cheese you can because it will catch up with you. Everyday we see headlines that talk about the growing amount of autistic kids. What causes that? I would venture to guess that 9 out of ten investigations that I conduct involve a child that is either on medication for ADHD, ADD, OCD, Bi-polar, or some other behavioral problem. Wish I were joking. It is simple to grab a happy meal, or a can of ABC's and 123's, or a frozen skillet ready meal. It's even cheaper than buying fresh produce and making a meal. But the question we should ask....what is it doing to our bodies?

One of the largest groups of people with Diabetes are Native Americans. Studies show that Native Americans are more at risk for Diabetes. My fathers side of the family has a lot of Native American blood. I have my own theories of why Native Americans are at greater risk of this disease and others as well.

The facts below came from this website Resources for Native Americans with Diabetes.

Prevalence of type 2 diabetes among Native Americans in the United States is 12.2% for those over 19 years of age. One tribe in Arizona has the highest rate of diabetes in the world. About 50% of the tribe between the ages of 30 and 64 have diabetes. Today, diabetes has reached epidemic proportions among Native Americans. Complications from diabetes are major causes of death and health problems in most Native American populations. Of equal concern is the fact that type 2, or adult-onset diabetes, is increasingly being discovered in Native American youth. Diabetes Rapidly Increasing Among Native Americans, Alaskans Reported in the December, 2000 issue of Diabetes Care: Diabetes has been growing in prevalence among Native Americans and Alaskan Natives,according to a recent study by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The study found a nearly 30 percent increase in diabetes diagnoses among these populations between 1990 and 1997. During this time period prevalence among women was higher than among men, but the rate of increase was higher among men than women (37 percent v. 25 percent). The increase in prevalence was highest in Alaska, where it rose 76 percent during the 1990s, and lowest in the Northern Plains region of the United States, where it rose by 16 percent during this time period.

Just a little bit of info from the American Diabetes Association.

Cost of Diabetes
$174 billion: Total costs of diagnosed diabetes in the United States in 2007
$116 billion for direct medical costs
$58 billion for indirect costs (disability, work loss, premature mortality)
After adjusting for population age and sex differences, average medical expenditures among people with diagnosed diabetes were 2.3 times higher than what expenditures would be in the absence of diabetes.
The American Diabetes Association has created a Diabetes Cost Calculator that takes the national cost of diabetes data and provides estimates at the state and congressional district level.
Factoring in the additional costs of undiagnosed diabetes, pre-diabetes, and gestational diabetes brings the total cost of diabetes in the United States in 2007 to $218 billion.
• $18 billion for the 6.3 million people with undiagnosed diabetes • $25 billion for the 57 million American adults with pre-diabetes • $623 million for the 180,000 pregnancies where gestational diabetes is diagnosed.

So that's my rant for today!

Monday, February 15, 2010

A Date with the Dietitian

Anjel and I had a one on one meeting with a Dietitian today. Her name was Marian and she was awesome. She basically praised me for all the things I have been doing right. She also thought that I should lean more towards being a vegetarian because of my lipid numbers. The book Anjel and I bought has really been a blessing and we love the fact that it puts foods into 3 different categories. Red, yellow, and green....traffic light. Green has all the foods I can eat. Such as mushrooms, spinach, onions, salmon, oranges, apples, and so on. Yellow items are things like sweet potatoes, carrots, and banana's. Red items are potatoes, non-lean red meats all the bad things. Marion told us that the diet that I have been on for almost a month now is the best thing that I could have done. We were very pleased with what we learned. The book we use is called "The G.I. Diet" by Rick Gallop.

Anjel and I also worked out today after breakfast. This is a good thing. My blood sugar number was 115 after the work out. My blood sugar before the work out was 125. I am starting to get down to the numbers that I need to be at. I also found out today that the BMI (Hate it!!) chart is right. I should be around 190 lbs +/- 10%. This is going to be fun!

The food that I eat can sometimes get boring and bland. I am trying to stay on the positive side and be a little creative with my meals. I love to cook. I really love it. So for lunch today I made a tuna stuffed tomato on a bed of spinach with several pickled items. It looked so good Anjel took a picture of it. I wanted to share those pictures but have lost my cord to my camera!

Anjel's dad is leaving for Tennessee tomorrow morning. This has left us kinda sad. We have really enjoyed him being here. I know that Anjel has enjoyed having her dad right down the road from us and he has helped us out a lot. Job called him and he must go.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

God in the middle of things & Lobster!

Yesterday Anjel's dad bought our dinner. It wasn't just any dinner; it was a GREAT dinner! Jerry used to eat over about once a week. We normally would have pork tenderloin or whatever we cooked up. Since my diet change and a complete menu change for me it has been kinda hard for him to eat with us. I mean, come on, who wants to eat what I have to eat? Even though I think what I am eating is amazing...not everyone wants to eat like a health nut. One of the things I can have is seafood. Jerry went out and bought he and I lobster and Anjel a pork chop. She doesn't eat seafood. With our lobster we had warm asparagus with apricot sauce, cauliflower mashed potatoes, cabbage, and steamed carrots. What a meal! I took pictures! I have really gotten into this whole eating right thing. I haven't budged one bit!

This morning Anjel and I found a church that I think we are really going to love! More to come on that in the future.
Isn't it funny how God sometimes has plans that you didn't. I mean, sometimes He just ends up in the middle of things without you even thinking He will be there. God also has a funny way of teaching you something without you even knowing that you needed to be taught that lesson. It can sometimes be a small thing. All too often in the end it wasn't small at all, but when you first encounter it it seems small. We have this concept of small when all along God meant for it to be BIG! This may not make sense to you, and that's okay cause it makes perfect sense to me!
Happy V-day!

Friday, February 12, 2010

O how I wish I could have....

Since being diagnosed with Diabetes I have vowed to completely change my lifestyle. Meaning eating completely healthy and starting at getting fit. Anjel bought Wii Active for me for Valentines. Let me just say that Active whooped my butt! I had some serious sore legs. Then it hit me that one of the side effects of the medications that I am taking is leg cramps. Great! Maybe it was a side effect? Maybe it was just my lazy self? Needless to say it was more than I bargained for. I also got a bungee type thingy that is supposed to help those muscles in my arms. For some reason it makes me want to say, "I want to pump you up!"

So, cravings....
Today I walked by my bosses desk and someone had brought her a box of chocolates. So far things haven't bothered me and the cravings for real sugar haven't hit. That is until today. What I would give to have a real piece of chocolate! I came home and had blueberries instead. How depressing is that? Trying to understand the ups and downs of the numbers with the blood sugar is hard enough. We have an appointment with a dietitian and a nurse Monday. Hopefully we will be able to find out more foods that I can eat.

Tonight I am preparing grilled salmon over lemon slices spiced with citrus, herb, and pepper with capers. Served with an Asian stir fry. Soy sauce may have sodium but it is sugar free!

God sure is amazing. So amazing that he sent me the greatest woman in the world!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

First day on the blog...

First blog...

It's cold outside and we are expecting more snow to add to the near 7 inches we already have. That much snow here is crazy! Ava and August liked it though. Joey...not so much.

Found out 3 weeks ago that I have diabetes. Not shocked because it runs in my family. (Thanks dad!) What I am more troubled by is the education that you get in food from having this handicap. You would not believe the amount of sodium in things. You would not believe how they manipulate sugar, fat, and cholesterol just to say that they are "reduced" or "fat free." Not to mention the "sugar free" things you see. They may not have sugar but they probably have sugar alcohol! In this new adventure I have lost a total of 14 pounds. When I went to the doc's office I weighed in at 245. I am now down to 231. I would like to drop another 20. That still puts me in the overweight category in the BMI chart. Who came up with BMI any way? Let's just shoot him/her! Anjel laughs at me when I tell her that there is no way that I can ever be at the weight the BMI scale says I should be because I am bigged boned! Well I am!

I wanted to create this blog to keep a running journal of my life with diabetes, recipes that I have found, life, and love. Hope I can keep it up along with my perserverence with losing weight and staying true to my diet.