Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Plans

It's been a while since my last post. Busy? Yeppers! With my new job, baby on the way/planning, and life in general. Man how time goes by so quickly, especially when your having fun and loving every little minute of it.

I can't express how much stress has been removed from my life since leaving the State job! Thank you God! I still think about my fri
ends a lot and wonder how they are doing. You make tight bonds with people when working in such conditions and I often find myself wondering how they are managing. I try to stay in touch as much as possible, but it's never easy. I still say prayers for them daily! Miss my peeps! My blood sugar has been doing great! I got a really great report from my doctor, so that is AWESOME!

On another note! HOLY SMOKES! We are h
aving a baby! Yes, I have to say it out-loud! WE ARE HAVING A BABY! Anjel's belly is getting big.
I find this adorable!

My tiny little love has a permanent
basketball on her belly! I was able to really feel the baby move this past weekend and what a joy that was. Isn't it incredible? Pregnancy and birth are just amazingly incredible and sometimes hard to believe. We are 18 weeks pregnant this week and Saturday we will be 19 weeks. We are so happy we're just stupid about it!

We go for the gender ultra-sound Monday. Yup, we find out what exactly we are having. Boy? Girl? We don't have a preference. I say that but, we both have this strong feeling it's a girl...and with that being said we have already purchased some things that are specifically for a girl. Yes, we can take them back and exchange them for boy stuff! We have also started cleaning out the room that will be the nursery. We are very excited to find out what we are having so we can really start to prepare...and also so we can communicate better to the baby. We have done a lot of reading and research regarding stimulation with the baby in the womb. The research is all positive and we look forward to reading, talking to, and playing music for our little one!

I titled this blog post "The Plans" because recently God has, for lack of better words, ordained what Anjel and I feel His calling in our lives is. In my calling it's not always easy to know where God is pulling you or putting you, or for what reason. With all the prayers for discernment, prayers for guidance, and just listening for Him we are seeing those answers. Joy is the best way to describe this feeling. Pure joy! We look forward to His guidance!

Jeremiah 29:11 "
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Amen.